Instrument Making Books
Make Your Own Marimbas' This is a book of simple illustrated instructions for making Marimbas.

'Make Your Own Wacky Instruments'. This is a collection of ideas for constructing a range of instruments out of cardboard tubes, plastic pipes and bits of wood etc.

Bass marimba

Our marimbas are inspired by African xylophones but redesigned for three standing players. The simple design means that you can make them yourself.

School Visits

Marimba Playing.
Jon visits schools and involves all the kids in playing marimbas, drums and wacky instruments. A grand performance completes the day.

Marimba Making.
In one day kids (9 and up) can chisel and tune the tone bars for one or two marimbas. The frames are usually made by parents.

Left: Massed Marimba playing in Tasmania. Photo courtesy Hobart Mercury.

Free Music
Examples of music and songs from our music books / CDs.

The echocello is a one-string keyed bowed instrument. A coil spring adds reverb to the sound. Marimba Music now sells echocellos. Current price is $460.00. They are hand crafted by Adrian Madin

About Jon.

Plenty Valley Christian School

E mail us

Music Books

Marimba Music sells six books. The four music books come with CDs. Within Australia we sell marimbas and sets of tone bars, beaters etc.

We publish four music books for ensembles of diatonic marimbas, xylophones and other instruments. Most pieces cater for a range of abilities. 'Marimba Music for Little Kids' contains mostly songs with only a few notes to play.

How to look after marimbas

© Copyright 2001 - 2006 Marimba Music